Meaning of GALLERY in English

— galleried , adj. — gallerylike , adj.

/gal"euh ree, gal"ree/ , n. , pl. galleries .

1. a raised area, often having a stepped or sloping floor, in a theater, church, or other public building to accommodate spectators, exhibits, etc.

2. the uppermost of such areas in a theater, usually containing the cheapest seats.

3. the occupants of such an area in a theater.

4. the general public, esp. when regarded as having popular or uncultivated tastes.

5. any group of spectators or observers, as at a golf match, a Congressional session, etc.

6. a room, series of rooms, or building devoted to the exhibition and often the sale of works of art.

7. a long covered area, narrow and open at one or both sides, used esp. as a walk or corridor.

8. Chiefly South Atlantic States. a long porch or portico; veranda.

9. a long, relatively narrow room, esp. one for public use.

10. a corridor, esp. one having architectural importance through its scale or decorative treatment.

11. a raised, balconylike platform or passageway running along the exterior wall of a building inside or outside.

12. a large room or building used for photography, target practice, or other special purposes: a shooting gallery.

13. a collection of art for exhibition.

14. Theat. a narrow, raised platform located beyond the acting area, used by stagehands or technicians to stand on when working.

15. Naut. a projecting balcony or structure on the quarter or stern of a vessel.

16. Furniture. an ornamental railing or cresting surrounding the top of a table, stand, desk, etc.

17. Mining. a level or drift.

18. a small tunnel in a dam, mine, or rock, for various purposes, as inspection or drainage.

19. a passageway made by an animal.

20. Fort. Obs. an underground or covered passage to another part of a fortified position.

21. play to the gallery , to attempt to appeal to the popular taste, as opposed to a more refined or esoteric taste: Movies, though still playing mainly to the gallery, have taken their place as a significant art form.

[ 1400-50; late ME galerie galeria, by dissimilation or suffix replacement from galilea, galilaea GALILEE ]

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