gam 1
/gam/ , n. Slang.
a person's leg, esp. an attractive female leg.
[ 1775-85; prob.
gamba leg; see JAMB 1 ]
gam 2
/gam/ , n. , v. , gammed, gamming .
1. a herd or school of whales.
2. Eastern New Eng. , Naut. a social meeting, visit, or the like, as between whaling vessels at sea.
3. (of whales) to assemble into a herd or school.
4. Naut. (of the officers and crews of two whaling vessels) to visit or converse with one another for social purposes.
5. Eastern New Eng. to participate in a gam or social visit.
[ 1840-50, Amer.; perh. dial. var. of GAME 1 ]