— gaspingly , adv.
/gasp, gahsp/ , n.
1. a sudden, short intake of breath, as in shock or surprise.
2. a convulsive effort to breathe.
3. a short, convulsive utterance: the words came out in gasps.
4. last gasp , the point of death; dying: At his last gasp he confessed to the murder.
5. to catch one's breath.
6. to struggle for breath with the mouth open; breathe convulsively.
7. to long with breathless eagerness; desire; crave (usually fol. by for or after ).
8. to utter with gasps (often fol. by out, forth, away, etc.): She gasped out the words.
9. to breathe or emit with gasps (often fol. by away ).
[ 1350-1400; ME gaspen, prob. OE * gaspen, equiv. to ON geispa; akin to GAPE ]
Syn. 5, 6. puff, blow. See pant .