grab 1
— grabbable , adj.
/grab/ , v. , grabbed, grabbing , n.
1. to seize suddenly or quickly; snatch; clutch: He grabbed me by the collar.
2. to take illegal possession of; seize forcibly or unscrupulously: to grab land.
3. to obtain and consume quickly: Let's grab a sandwich before going to the movie.
4. Slang.
a. to cause a reaction in; affect: How does my idea grab you?
b. to arouse the interest or excitement of: The book was O.K., but it just didn't grab me.
5. to make a grasping or clutching motion (usually fol. by at ): He grabbed frantically at the life preserver.
6. (of brakes, a clutch, etc.) to take hold suddenly or with a jolting motion; bind.
7. a sudden, quick grasp or snatch: to make a grab at something.
8. seizure or acquisition by violent or unscrupulous means.
9. something that is grabbed.
10. a mechanical device for gripping objects.
11. the capacity to hold or adhere: The glue was so old it had lost its grab.
12. up for grabs , Informal. available to anyone willing to expend the energy to get it: The Republican nomination for mayor was up for grabs.
[ 1580-90; c. MD, MLG grabben, Sw grabba ]
Syn. 1. grasp, grip, catch.
grab 2
/grab/ , n.
an Oriental ship having two or three masts with a square rig.
[ 1670-80; ghurab lit., raven ]