— guestless , adj.
/gest/ , n.
1. a person who spends some time at another person's home in some social activity, as a visit, dinner, or party.
2. a person who receives the hospitality of a club, a city, or the like.
3. a person who patronizes a hotel, restaurant, etc., for the lodging, food, or entertainment it provides.
4. an often well-known person invited to participate or perform in a regular program, series, etc., as a substitute for a regular member or as a special attraction.
5. Zool. an inquiline.
6. to entertain as a guest.
7. to be a guest; make an appearance as a guest: She's been guesting on all the TV talk shows.
8. provided for or done by a guest: a guest towel; a guest column for a newspaper.
9. participating or performing as a guest: a guest conductor.
[ bef. 900; ME gest gestr; r. OE gi ( e ) st; c. G Gast, Goth gasts, L hostis; cf. HOST 1 , HOST 2 ]
Syn. 1. company. See visitor .