/han"seuhl/ , n. , v. , handseled, handseling or ( esp. Brit. ) handselled, handselling .
1. a gift or token for good luck or as an expression of good wishes, as at the beginning of the new year or when entering upon a new situation or enterprise.
2. a first installment of payment.
3. the initial experience of anything; first encounter with or use of something taken as a token of what will follow; foretaste.
4. to give a handsel to.
5. to inaugurate auspiciously.
6. to use, try, or experience for the first time.
Also, hansel .
[ bef. 1050; ME handselne good-luck token, good-will gift, OE handselen manumission, lit., hand-gift (see HAND, SELL); c. Dan handsel, earnest money ]