/huyt/ , n.
1. extent or distance upward: The balloon stopped rising at a height of 500 feet.
2. distance upward from a given level to a fixed point: the height from the ground to the first floor; the height of an animal at the shoulder.
3. the distance between the lowest and highest points of a person standing upright; stature: She is five feet in height.
4. considerable or great altitude or elevation: the height of the mountains.
5. Often, heights .
a. a high place above a level; a hill or mountain: They stood on the heights overlooking the valley.
b. the highest part; top; apex; summit: In his dreams he reached the heights.
6. the highest point; utmost degree: the height of power; the height of pleasure.
7. Archaic. high rank in social status.
Also, hight .
[ bef. 900; ME; OE hiehtho. See HIGH, -TH 1 ]
Syn. 3. tallness. HEIGHT, ALTITUDE, ELEVATION refer to distance above a level. HEIGHT denotes extent upward (as from foot to head) as well as any measurable distance above a given level: The tree grew to a height of ten feet. They looked down from a great height. ALTITUDE usually refers to the distance, determined by instruments, above a given level, commonly mean sea level: altitude of an airplane. ELEVATION implies a distance to which something has been raised or uplifted above a level: a hill's elevation above the surrounding country, above sea level. 5. prominence. 6. peak, pinnacle; acme, zenith; culmination.
Ant. 1, 2. depth.
Usage . HEIGHT, and not HEIGHTH, is considered the standard English form for this word.