— hesitater, hesitator , n. — hesitatingly , adv.
/hez"i tayt'/ , v.i. , hesitated, hesitating .
1. to be reluctant or wait to act because of fear, indecision, or disinclination: She hesitated to take the job.
2. to have scruples or doubts; be unwilling: He hesitated to break the law.
3. to pause: I hesitated before reciting the next line.
4. to falter in speech; stammer: Embarrassment caused the speaker to hesitate.
[ 1615-25; haesitatus, ptp. of haesitare. See HESITANT, -ATE 1 ]
Syn. 1. waver, vacillate, falter. 3. demur, delay.
Ant. 1. decide. 3. hasten.