inch 1
/inch/ , n.
1. a unit of length, 1 / 12 foot, equivalent to 2.54 centimeters.
2. a very small amount of anything; narrow margin: to win by an inch; to avert disaster by an inch.
3. by inches ,
a. narrowly; by a narrow margin: escaped by inches.
b. Also, inch by inch . by small degrees or stages; gradually: The miners worked their way through the narrow shaft inch by inch.
4. every inch , in every respect; completely: That horse is every inch a thoroughbred.
5. within an inch of , nearly; close to: He came within an inch of getting killed in the crash.
v.t. , v.i.
6. to move by inches or small degrees: We inched our way along the road.
[ bef. 1000; ME; OE ynce uncia twelfth part, inch, ounce. See OUNCE 1 ]
inch 2
/inch/ , n. Scot.
a small island near the seacoast.
[ 1375-1425; late ME innse, gen. of innis island, OIr inis, c. Welsh ynys ]