— inhibitable , adj. — inhibitory /in hib"i tawr"ee, -tohr'ee/ , inhibitive , adj.
/in hib"it/ , v.t.
1. to restrain, hinder, arrest, or check (an action, impulse, etc.).
2. to prohibit; forbid.
3. Psychol. to consciously or unconsciously suppress or restrain (psychologically or sociologically unacceptable behavior).
4. Chem. to decrease the rate of action of or stop (a chemical reaction).
[ 1425-75; late ME inhibiten inhibitus, ptp. of inhibere to restrain, equiv. to in- IN- 2 + -hibere, comb. form of habere to have, hold ]
Syn. 1. repress, discourage, obstruct. 2. interdict. See forbid .