jag 1
— jagless , adj.
/jag/ , n. , v. , jagged, jagging .
1. a sharp projection on an edge or surface.
2. to cut or slash, esp. in points or pendants along the edge; form notches, teeth, or ragged points in.
3. to move with a jerk; jog.
[ 1350-1400; late ME jagge (n.), jaggen (v.), of obscure orig. ]
jag 2
/jag/ , n.
1. a period of unrestrained indulgence in an activity; spree; binge: a crying jag; a talking jag.
2. a state of intoxication from liquor.
3. Northern, North Midland, and Western U.S. a load, as of hay or wood.
[ 1590-1600; perh. orig. load of broom or furze (cf. OE ceacga broom, furze) ]