lam 1
/lam/ , v. , lammed, lamming . Slang.
1. to beat; thrash.
2. to beat; strike; thrash (usually fol. by out or into ).
[ 1590-1600; lamdi, past tense of lemja to beat; akin to LAME 1 ]
lam 2
/lam/ , n. , v. , lammed, lamming . Slang.
1. a hasty escape; flight.
2. on the lam , escaping, fleeing, or hiding, esp. from the police: He's been on the lam ever since he escaped from jail.
3. take it on the lam , to flee or escape in great haste: The swindler took it on the lam and was never seen again.
4. to run away quickly; escape; flee: I'm going to lam out of here as soon as I've finished.
[ 1885-90; special use of LAM 1 . Compare beat it! be off! ]
/lahm/ , n.
the 23rd letter of the Arabic alphabet.
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