/lev"euhr, lee"veuhr/ , n.
1. Mech. a rigid bar that pivots about one point and that is used to move an object at a second point by a force applied at a third. Cf. machine (def. 4b).
2. a means or agency of persuading or of achieving an end: Saying that the chairman of the board likes the plan is just a lever to get us to support it.
3. Horol. the pallet of an escapement.
v.t. , v.i.
4. to move with or apply a lever: to lever a rock; to lever mightily and to no avail.
[ 1250-1300; ME levere, levour for * lever levier, equiv. to lev ( er ) to lift ( levare to lighten, lift, v. deriv. of levis light) + -ier -IER 2 ]