— midrashic /mid rash"ik/ , adj.
Seph. Heb. /mee drddahsh"/ ; Ashk. Heb. /mi"drddahsh/ , n. , pl. midrashim Seph. Heb. /mee drddah sheem"/ ; Ashk. Heb. /mi drddaw"shim/ , midrashoth, midrashot, midrashos Seph. Heb. /mee drddah shawt"/ ; Ashk. Heb. /mi drddaw"shohs/ .
1. an early Jewish interpretation of or commentary on a Biblical text, clarifying or expounding a point of law or developing or illustrating a moral principle.
2. ( cap. ) a collection of such interpretations or commentaries, esp. those written in the first ten centuries A.D.
[ 1605-15; midrash lit., exposition ]