might 1
/muyt/ , auxiliary v.
1. pt. of may 1 .
2. (used to express possibility): They might be at the station.
3. (used to express advisability): You might at least thank me.
4. (used in polite requests for permission): Might I speak to you for a moment?
might 2
— mightless , adj.
/muyt/ , n.
1. physical strength: He swung with all his might.
2. superior power or strength; force: the theory that might makes right.
3. power or ability to do or accomplish; capacity: the might of the ballot box.
4. with might and main , with all the vigor, force, or energy at one's command: They pulled with might and main.
[ bef. 900; ME myghte, OE miht, meaht; c. G macht, Goth mahts; akin to MAY 1 ]
Syn. 1-3. See strength .
Ant. 1-3. weakness.