— muddily , adv. — muddiness , n.
/mud"ee/ , adj., muddier, muddiest , v. , muddied, muddying .
1. abounding in or covered with mud.
2. not clear or pure: muddy colors.
3. cloudy with sediment: muddy coffee.
4. dull, as the complexion.
5. not clear mentally.
6. obscure or vague, as thought, expression, or literary style.
7. Horse Racing. denoting the condition of a track after a heavy, continuous rainfall has ceased and been completely absorbed into the surface, leaving it the consistency of thick mud.
8. to make muddy; soil with mud.
9. to make turbid.
10. to cause to be confused or obscure.
11. to become muddy.
[ 1375-1425; late ME muddi. See MUD, -Y 1 ]