mull 1
/mul/ , v.i.
1. to study or ruminate; ponder.
2. to think about carefully; consider (often fol. by over ): to mull over an idea.
3. to make a mess or failure of.
[ 1815-25; perh. identical with dial. mull to crumble, pulverize; see MULL 4 ]
Syn. 1. consider, weigh.
mull 2
/mul/ , v.t.
to heat, sweeten, and flavor with spices for drinking, as ale or wine.
[ 1610-20; orig. uncert. ]
mull 3
/mul/ , n.
a soft, thin muslin.
[ 1790-1800; earlier mulmul malmal ]
mull 4
/mul/ , v.t. Metall.
to mix (clay and sand) under a roller for use in preparing a mold.
[ 1400-50; cf. dial.: to crumble, pulverize, ME mollen, mullen, orig., to moisten, soften by wetting; see MOIL ]