multiply 1
/mul"teuh pluy'/ , v. , multiplied, multiplying .
1. to make many or manifold; increase the number, quantity, etc., of.
2. Arith. to find the product of by multiplication.
3. to breed (animals).
4. to propagate (plants).
5. to increase by procreation.
6. to grow in number, quantity, etc.; increase.
7. Arith. to perform the process of multiplication.
8. to increase in number by procreation or natural generation.
[ 1225-75; ME multiplien multiplier multiplicare. See MULTI-, PLY 2 ]
Syn. 6. magnify, enlarge, intensify.
multiply 2
/mul"teuh plee/ , adv.
in several or many ways; in a multiple manner; manifoldly.
[ 1880-85; MULTIPLE + -LY ]