/myoor"euhl/ , n.
1. a large picture painted or affixed directly on a wall or ceiling.
2. a greatly enlarged photograph attached directly to a wall.
3. a wallpaper pattern representing a landscape or the like, often with very widely spaced repeats so as to produce the effect of a mural painting on a wall of average size; a trompe l'oeil.
4. of, pertaining to, or resembling a wall.
5. executed on or affixed to a wall: mural inscriptions.
6. pertaining to any of several astronomical instruments that were affixed to a wall aligned on the plane of a meridian, and were formerly used to measure the altitude of celestial bodies: a mural quadrant; a mural circle.
[ 1400-50; late ME muralis, equiv. to mur ( us ) wall + -alis -AL 1 ]