nap 1
/nap/ , v. , napped, napping , n.
1. to sleep for a short time; doze.
2. to be off one's guard: The question caught him napping.
3. to sleep or doze through (a period of time, an activity, etc.) (usually fol. by away ): I napped the afternoon away. He naps away most of his classes.
4. a brief period of sleep, esp. one taken during daytime: Has the baby had her nap?
[ bef. 900; ME nappen (v.), nap (n.), OE hnappian to sleep; c. MHG napfen ]
Syn. 1. nod, rest, catnap.
nap 2
— napless , adj. — naplessness , n.
/nap/ , n. , v. , napped, napping .
1. the short fuzzy ends of fibers on the surface of cloth, drawn up in napping.
2. any downy coating, as on plants.
3. to raise a nap on.
[ 1400-50; late ME noppe, OE -hnoppa (as in wullknoppa, mistake for * wullhnoppa tuft of wool), c. MD, MLG noppe; akin to OE hnoppian to pluck ]
nap 3
/nap/ , n.
napoleon (defs. 2, 3).
[ shortened form ]