— offendable , adj. — offendedly , adv. — offendedness , n. — offender , n.
/euh fend"/ , v.t.
1. to irritate, annoy, or anger; cause resentful displeasure in: Even the hint of prejudice offends me.
2. to affect (the sense, taste, etc.) disagreeably.
3. to violate or transgress (a criminal, religious, or moral law).
4. to hurt or cause pain to.
5. (in Biblical use) to cause to fall into sinful ways.
6. to cause resentful displeasure; irritate, annoy, or anger: a remark so thoughtless it can only offend.
7. to err in conduct; commit a sin, crime, or fault.
[ 1275-1325; ME offenden offendre offendere to strike against, displease, equiv. to of- OF- + -fendere to strike ]
Syn. 1. provoke, chafe, nettle, affront, insult. 7. transgress.
Ant. 1. please.