— organizable , adj. — organizability , n.
/awr"geuh nuyz'/ , v. , organized, organizing .
1. to form as or into a whole consisting of interdependent or coordinated parts, esp. for united action: to organize a committee.
2. to systematize: to organize the files of an office.
3. to give organic structure or character to: to organize the elements of a composition.
4. to enlist or attempt to enlist into a labor union: to organize workers.
5. to enlist the employees of (a company) into a labor union; unionize: to organize a factory.
6. Informal. to put (oneself) in a state of mental competence to perform a task: We can't have any slip-ups, so you'd better get organized.
7. to combine in an organized company, party, or the like.
8. to form a labor union: Management resisted all efforts to organize.
9. to assume organic structure.
Also, esp. Brit., organise .
[ 1375-1425; late ME organizare to contrive, arrange = organ(um) ORGAN + -izare -IZE ]
Syn. 1. dispose, frame. 2. order.
Ant. 1. destroy.