paddle 1
— paddler , n.
/pad"l/ , n. , v. , paddled, paddling .
1. a short, flat bladed oar for propelling and steering a canoe or small boat, usually held by both hands and moved more or less through a vertical arc.
2. any of various similar implements used for mixing, stirring, or beating.
3. any of various similar but smaller implements with a short handle for holding in one hand and a wide or rounded blade, used for a racket in table tennis, paddle tennis, etc.
4. such an implement or a similarly shaped makeshift one, used to spank or beat someone.
5. an implement used for beating garments while washing them in running water, as in a stream.
6. Also called float, floatboard . a blade of a paddle wheel.
7. See paddle wheel .
8. any of the blades by which a water wheel is turned.
9. a flipper or limb of a penguin, turtle, whale, etc.
10. an act of paddling.
11. Also, pattle . Brit. Dial. a small spade with a long handle, used to dig up thistles.
12. (in a gate of a lock or sluice) a panel that slides to permit the passage of water.
13. to propel or travel in a canoe or the like by using a paddle.
14. to row lightly or gently with oars.
15. to move by means of paddle wheels, as a steamer.
16. to propel with a paddle: to paddle a canoe.
17. to spank or beat with or as with a paddle.
18. to stir, mix, or beat with or as with a paddle
19. to convey by paddling, as a canoe.
20. to hit (a table-tennis ball or the like) with a paddle.
21. paddle one's own canoe . See canoe (def. 3).
[ 1375-1425; late ME padell (n.) ]
paddle 2
— paddler , n.
/pad"l/ , v.i. , paddled, paddling .
1. to move the feet or hands playfully in shallow water; dabble.
2. to toy with the fingers.
3. to toddle.
[ 1520-30; orig. uncert. ]