— Perugian /peuh rooh"jeuhn, -jee euhn/ , adj. , n.
/pe rddooh"jah/ ; Eng. /peuh rooh"jeuh, -jee euh/ , n.
1. a city in central Umbria, in central Italy. 136,933.
2. Lake of . See Trasimeno .
— Perugian /peuh rooh"jeuhn, -jee euhn/ , adj. , n.
/pe rddooh"jah/ ; Eng. /peuh rooh"jeuh, -jee euh/ , n.
1. a city in central Umbria, in central Italy. 136,933.
2. Lake of . See Trasimeno .
Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary. Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House . 2012