— radiable , adj. — radiability, radiableness , n. — radiably, radiately , adv.
v. /ray"dee ayt'/ ; adj. /ray"dee it, -ayt'/ , v. , radiated, radiating , adj.
1. to extend, spread, or move like rays or radii from a center.
2. to emit rays, as of light or heat; irradiate.
3. to issue or proceed in rays.
4. (of persons) to project or glow with cheerfulness, joy, etc.: She simply radiates with good humor.
5. to emit in rays; disseminate, as from a center.
6. (of persons) to project (joy, goodwill, etc.).
7. radiating from a center.
8. having rays extending from a central point or part: a coin showing a radiate head.
9. radiating symmetrically.
[ 1610-20; radiatus (ptp. of radiare to radiate light, shine). See RADIANT, -ATE 1 ]