— recommendable , adj. — recommender , n.
/rek'euh mend"/ , v.t.
1. to present as worthy of confidence, acceptance, use, etc.; commend; mention favorably: to recommend an applicant for a job; to recommend a book.
2. to represent or urge as advisable or expedient: to recommend caution.
3. to advise, as an alternative; suggest (a choice, course of action, etc.) as appropriate, beneficial, or the like: He recommended the blue-plate special. The doctor recommended special exercises for her.
4. to make desirable or attractive: a plan that has very little to recommend it.
5. to make a recommendation.
6. Informal. a recommendation.
[ 1350-1400; ME recommenden recommendare, equiv. to L re- RE- + commendare to COMMEND ]
Syn. 1. approve, condone. 3. counsel.
Ant. 1. condemn.