— roarer , n.
/rawr, rohr/ , v.i.
1. to utter a loud, deep cry or howl, as in excitement, distress, or anger.
2. to laugh loudly or boisterously: to roar at a joke.
3. to make a loud sound or din, as thunder, cannon, waves, or wind.
4. to function or move with a loud, deep sound, as a vehicle: The automobile roared away.
5. to make a loud noise in breathing, as a horse.
6. to utter or express in a roar: to roar denials.
7. to bring, put, make, etc., by roaring: to roar oneself hoarse.
8. a loud, deep cry or howl, as of an animal or a person: the roar of a lion.
9. a loud, confused, constant noise or sound; din; clamor: the roar of the surf; the roar of lively conversation from the crowded party.
10. a loud outburst: a roar of laughter; a roar of approval from the audience.
[ bef. 900; ME roren (v.), OE rarian; c. OHG reren to bellow ]
Syn. 1. bawl, yell. See cry. 3. resound, boom, thunder, peal.