/roh zet"/ , n.
1. any arrangement, part, object, or formation more or less resembling a rose.
2. a rose-shaped arrangement of ribbon or other material, used as an ornament or badge.
3. Also, rosace . an architectural ornament resembling a rose or having a generally circular combination of parts.
4. Bot. a circular cluster of leaves or other organs.
5. a broad ornamental head for a screw or nail.
6. Metall.
a. any of a number of disks of refined copper formed when cold water is thrown onto the molten metal.
b. a rounded microconstituent of certain alloys.
7. Plant Pathol. any of several diseases of plants, characterized by the crowding of the foliage into circular clusters owing to a shortening of the internodes of stems or branches, caused by fungi, viruses, or nutritional deficiencies.
8. one of the compound spots on a leopard.
[ 1780-90; 1 , -ETTE ]