scarf 1
— scarfless , adj. — scarflike , adj.
/skahrf/ , n. , pl. scarfs, scarves /skahrvz/ , v.
1. a long, broad strip of wool, silk, lace, or other material worn about the neck, shoulders, or head, for ornament or protection against cold, drafts, etc.; muffler.
2. a necktie or cravat with hanging ends.
3. a long cover or ornamental cloth for a bureau, table, etc.
4. to cover or wrap with or as if with a scarf.
5. to use in the manner of a scarf.
[ 1545-55; perh. special use of SCARF 2 ]
scarf 2
— scarfer , n.
/skahrf/ , n. , pl. scarfs , v.
1. a tapered or otherwise-formed end on each of the pieces to be assembled with a scarf joint.
2. Whaling. a strip of skin along the body of the whale.
3. to assemble with a scarf joint.
4. to form a scarf on (the end of a timber).
5. Steelmaking. to burn away the surface defects of (newly rolled steel).
6. Whaling. to make a groove in and remove (the blubber and skin).
Also, scarph (for defs. 1, 3, 4).
[ 1490-1500; skarfr (deriv. of skera to cut) end cut from a beam (hence perh. a piece of cloth cut off, i.e., SCARF 1 ); cf. Sw skarv patch ]
scarf 3
/skahrf/ , v.t., v.i. Slang.
to eat, esp. voraciously (often fol. by down or up ): to scarf down junk food.
[ 1955-60, Amer.; var. of SCOFF 2 , with r inserted prob. through r-dialect speakers' mistaking the underlying vowel as an r-less ar ]