— scourger , n. — scourgingly , adv.
/skerrj/ , n. , v. , scourged, scourging .
1. a whip or lash, esp. for the infliction of punishment or torture.
2. a person or thing that applies or administers punishment or severe criticism.
3. a cause of affliction or calamity: Disease and famine are scourges of humanity.
4. to whip with a scourge; lash.
5. to punish, chastise, or criticize severely.
[ 1175-1225; (n.) ME escorge, deriv. of escorgier to whip excorrigiare, deriv. of L corrigia thong, whip (see EX- 1 ); (v.) ME escorgier ]
Syn. 3. plague, bane. 5. correct, castigate.