Meaning of SCRIBBLE in English

scribble 1

— scribblingly , adv.

/skrib"euhl/ , v. , scribbled, scribbling , n.


1. to write hastily or carelessly: to scribble a letter.

2. to cover with meaningless writing or marks: to scribble all over a page.


3. to write or draw in a hasty or careless way.

4. to make meaningless marks, scrolls, lines, etc., with a pencil, pen, or the like.


5. a note or other writing that has little or no meaning.

6. a hasty or careless drawing or piece of writing.

7. handwriting, esp. when illegible.

[ 1425-75; late ME scribblen (v.) scribillare to scribble, deriv. of L scribere to write; see SHRIVE ]

scribble 2

/skrib"euhl/ , v.t., scribbled, scribbling .

to tear apart (wool fibers) in the first stages of carding.

[ 1675-85; schribbelen to scratch; c. schrobbelen to card wool coarsely, freq. of schrobben to SCRUB 1 ]

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