/seek/ , v. , sought, seeking .
1. to go in search or quest of: to seek the truth.
2. to try to find or discover by searching or questioning: to seek the solution to a problem.
3. to try to obtain: to seek fame.
4. to try or attempt (usually fol. by an infinitive): to seek to convince a person.
5. to go to: to seek a place to rest.
6. to ask for; request: to seek advice.
7. Archaic. to search or explore.
8. to make inquiry.
9. be sought after , to be desired or in demand: Graduates in the physical sciences are most sought after by employers these days.
[ bef. 900; ME seken, OE secan; c. G suchen, ON soekja, Goth sokjan; akin to L sagire to perceive by scent (see PRESAGE, SAGACITY); cf. BESEECH ]
Syn. 3. pursue, follow.