spencer 1
/spen"seuhr/ , n.
1. a short, close-fitting jacket, frequently trimmed with fur, worn in the 19th century by women and children.
2. a man's close-fitting jacket, having a collar and lapels and reaching just below the waist, worn in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
3. an English wig of the 18th century.
[ 1740-50; in defs. 1, 2 named after G. J. Spencer (1758-1834), English earl; in def. 3 named after Charles SPENCER ]
spencer 2
/spen"seuhr/ , n. Naut.
a large gaff sail used abaft a square-rigged foremast or abaft the mainmast of a ship or bark.
[ 1830-40; orig. uncert. ]