/stig"meuh/ , n. , pl. stigmata /stig"meuh teuh, stig mah"teuh, -mat"euh/ , stigmas .
1. a mark of disgrace or infamy; a stain or reproach, as on one's reputation.
2. Med.
a. a mental or physical mark that is characteristic of a defect or disease: the stigmata of leprosy.
b. a place or point on the skin that bleeds during certain mental states, as in hysteria.
3. Zool.
a. a small mark, spot, or pore on an animal or organ.
b. the eyespot of a protozoan.
c. an entrance into the respiratory system of insects.
4. Bot. the part of a pistil that receives the pollen. See diag. under flower .
5. stigmata , marks resembling the wounds of the crucified body of Christ, said to be supernaturally impressed on the bodies of certain persons, esp. nuns, tertiaries, and monastics.
6. Archaic. a mark made by a branding iron on the skin of a criminal or slave.
[ 1580-90; stígma tattoo mark, equiv. to stig- (s. of stízein to tattoo) + -ma n. suffix denoting result of action; see STICK 2 ]
Syn. 1. blot, blemish, tarnish.