— strangler , n. — stranglingly , adv.
/strang"geuhl/ , v. , strangled, strangling .
1. to kill by squeezing the throat in order to compress the windpipe and prevent the intake of air, as with the hands or a tightly drawn cord.
2. to kill by stopping the breath in any manner; choke; stifle; suffocate.
3. to prevent the continuance, growth, rise, or action of; suppress: Censorship strangles a free press.
4. to be choked, stifled, or suffocated.
[ 1250-1300; ME strangelen estrangler strangulare strangalân, deriv. of strangále halter, akin to strangós twisted ]
Syn. 1. garrote, throttle, choke. 2. smother. 3. check, repress, gag, muzzle.