Meaning of SUBSTANTIAL in English

— substantiality, substantialness , n. — substantially , adv.

/seuhb stan"sheuhl/ , adj.

1. of ample or considerable amount, quantity, size, etc.: a substantial sum of money.

2. of a corporeal or material nature; tangible; real.

3. of solid character or quality; firm, stout, or strong: a substantial physique.

4. basic or essential; fundamental: two stories in substantial agreement.

5. wealthy or influential: one of the substantial men of the town.

6. of real worth, value, or effect: substantial reasons.

7. pertaining to the substance, matter, or material of a thing.

8. of or pertaining to the essence of a thing; essential, material, or important.

9. being a substance; having independent existence.

10. Philos. pertaining to or of the nature of substance rather than an accident or attribute.


11. something substantial.

[ 1300-50; ME substancial substantialis, equiv. to L substanti ( a ) SUBSTANCE + -alis -AL 1 ]

Syn. 3. stable, sound. 6. valid, important.

Ant. 2. immaterial, ethereal.

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