taw 1
/taw/ , n.
1. a choice or fancy marble used as a shooter.
2. a game in which marbles are arranged in the center of a circle drawn or scratched on the ground, the object being to knock out as many as possible from the circle; ringer.
3. Also, taw line . the line from which the players shoot.
4. to shoot a marble.
[ 1700-10; orig. uncert. ]
taw 2
— tawer , n.
/taw/ , v.t.
1. to prepare or dress (some raw material) for use or further manipulation.
2. to transform the skin of an animal into white leather by the application of minerals, emulsions, etc.
3. Archaic. to flog; thrash.
[ bef. 900; ME tawen, OE tawian; c. D touwen, Goth taujan ]
taw 3
/tahv, tawv, tahf, tawf/ , n.