/tik"euhl/ , v. , tickled, tickling , n.
1. to touch or stroke lightly with the fingers, a feather, etc., so as to excite a tingling or itching sensation in; titillate.
2. to poke some sensitive part of the body so as to excite spasmodic laughter.
3. to excite agreeably; gratify: to tickle someone's vanity.
4. to excite amusement in: The clown's antics really tickled the kids.
5. to get, move, etc., by or as by tickling: She tickled him into saying yes.
6. to be affected with a tingling or itching sensation, as from light touches or strokes: I tickle all over.
7. to produce such a sensation.
8. tickled pink , Informal. greatly pleased: She was tickled pink that someone had remembered her birthday.
9. an act or instance of tickling.
10. a tickling sensation.
[ 1300-50; ME tikelen, freq. of TICK 1 (in obs. sense) to touch lightly ]
Syn. 4. amuse, please, delight, enchant.