/top"suyd'/ , n.
1. the upper side.
2. Usually, topsides . Naut. the outer surface of a hull above the water.
3. the most authoritative position or level.
4. Chiefly Brit. a cut of beef similar to a U.S. rump roast. Cf. silverside (def. 1).
5. Brit. the top or outer side of a round of beef; beef from the outer thigh of a butchered cow.
6. of, pertaining to, or located on the topside.
7. of the most authoritative rank.
8. Also, topsides . up on the deck: He left the engine room and went topside.
9. to, toward, or at the topside.
[ 1670-80; TOP 1 + SIDE 1 ]