/wol"is, waw"lis/ , n.
1. Alfred Russel /rus"euhl/ , 1823-1913, English naturalist, explorer, and author.
2. George Corley /kawr"lee/ , born 1919, U.S. politician: governor of Alabama 1963-67, 1971-79, and 1983-87.
3. Henry (Agard) /ay"gahrd/ , 1888-1965, U.S. agriculturalist, author, and statesman: Secretary of Agriculture 1933-40; vice president of the U.S. 1941-45; Secretary of Commerce 1945-46.
4. Lewis ( "Lew" ), 1827-1905, U.S. general and novelist.
5. Sir William . Also, Walays, Wallensis . 1272?-1305, Scottish military leader and patriot.
6. (William Roy) DeWitt /deuh wit"/ , 1889-1981, and his wife, Lila Bell (Acheson) , 1889-1984, U.S. magazine publishers.
7. a male given name: a Scottish family name meaning "Welshman, foreigner."