n. /wair"hows'/ ; v. /wair"howz', -hows'/ , n. , pl. warehouses /-how'ziz/ , v. , warehoused, warehousing .
1. a building, or a part of one, for the storage of goods, merchandise, etc.
2. Brit. a large retail store.
3. a building, or a part of one, in which wholesalers keep large stocks of merchandise, which they display and sell to retailers.
4. to place, deposit, or store in a warehouse.
5. to set aside or accumulate, as for future use.
6. to place in a government or bonded warehouse, to be kept until duties are paid.
7. Informal. to confine (the mentally ill) to large institutions for long-term custodial care.
[ 1300-50; ME; see WARE 1 , HOUSE ]