— whacker , n.
/hwak, wak/ , v.t.
1. to strike with a smart, resounding blow or blows.
2. Slang. to divide into or take in shares (often fol. by up ): Whack the loot between us two.
3. to strike a smart, resounding blow or blows.
4. whack off ,
a. to cut off or separate with a blow: The cook whacked off the fish's head.
b. Slang ( vulgar ). to masturbate.
5. whack out , Slang. to produce quickly or, sometimes, carelessly: She whacks out a short story every week or so.
6. a smart, resounding blow: a whack with his hand.
7. Informal. a trial or attempt: to take a whack at a job.
8. Slang. a portion or share.
9. out of whack , Informal. out of order or alignment; not in proper condition.
[ 1710-20; orig. dial., Scots form of THWACK; cf. WHANG 2 , WHITTLE ]
Syn. 7. try, go, turn.