/win"zeuhr/ , n.
1. (since 1917) a member of the present British royal family. Cf. Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (def. 1).
2. Duke of . See Edward VIII .
3. Wallis Warfield, Duchess of ( Bessie Wallis Warfield Spencer Simpson ), 1896-1986, U.S. socialite: wife of Edward VIII of England, who abdicated the throne to marry her.
4. Official name, Windsor and Maidenhead . a city in E Berkshire, in S England, on the Thames: the site of the residence (Windsor Castle) of English sovereigns since William the Conqueror. 134,700.
5. a city in S Ontario, in SE Canada, opposite Detroit, Michigan. 196,526.
6. a town in N central Connecticut. 25,204.