Meaning of E_SRCV02 in English

E_Srcv02.exe E_Srcv03.exe


Epson Status Monitor 2, or the newer version, Epson Status Monitor 3. The Epson Status Monitor gets installed with almost all Epson inkjet printers and, basically, gives you a progress of your print jobs as they are printing. It also warns you when your ink cartridges are running low and it informs you of printing problems and their probable causes. The Epson Status Monitor appears as a minimizable task on your Task Bar.

Recommendation :

Aside from rare installation problems, the Epson Status Monitor does not usually cause problems, so we would advise that you keep it running as, for long print jobs, it is a useful guide as to how long the job will take. Also, for the new generation of Epson inkjets, the Epson Status Monitor application is the only way you have of being able to tell how much ink there is left in your ink cartridges, as the cartridges are too opaque to be able to see the ink level, and the indicator lights on the printers themselves are also too inaccurate.

Microsoft Windows task list Programs English glossary.      Английский словарь - Список целевых программ Microsoft Windows.