Meaning of APPEAL in English




request for review

1) to make an ~

2) (legal) to file, lodge, make; lose; win an ~

3) (legal) to take an ~ to a higher court

4) (also legal) to deny, dismiss, reject, throw out an ~

5) a desperate, urgent; eloquent, irresistible, ringing, stirring; emotional; final, last ~

6) an ~ against, from; for; to (to file an ~ against a decision; to make an ~ to the public for donations; there is no ~ from a verdict of the higher court)


7) box-office; sales; sex; snob ~



1) ( D ; intr. ) ('to request a review') to ~ against (to ~ against a decision)

2) ( D ; intr. ) ('to request') to ~ for; to (they ~ed to us for help)

3) ( d ; intr. ) ('to request') to ~ to smb. to + inf. (he ~ed to them to support his campaign)

4) ( d ; intr. ) to ~ to ('to resort to') (to ~ to common sense)

5) ( d ; intr. ) to ~ to ('to please') (he doesn't ~ to her)

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