Meaning of ARGUMENT in English



1) to get into, have an ~

2) to break off, terminate; clinch, settle an ~

3) an angry, bitter, heated, loud, violent ~

4) an ~ breaks out

5) an ~ about, over; between; with (I had a bitter ~ with him about politics)


6) to drive home, press; offer, present, put forward an ~

7) to confute, rebut, refute an ~

8) an airtight, balanced, cogent, compelling, conclusive, convincing, irrefutable, logical, persuasive, rational, solid, sound, telling, trenchant, unassailable, valid ~

9) a groundless; spurious; tenuous, weak ~

10) an ~ about; against; for (she presented a convincing ~ against the proposal)

11) an ~ that + clause (I cannot accept his ~ that war is inevitable)

12) ( misc. ) (legal) to hear ~s against; for

The Bbi combinatory dictionary of English, a guide to word combinations.      Комбинаторный словарь английского языка Bbi. Руководство по словосочетаниям.