Meaning of COUNT in English



act of ~ing

total, tally

1) to make, take a ~

2) to keep ~ of

3) to lose ~ of

4) (boxing) to go down for the ~ ('to be ~ed out'); to take a ~ of ten

5) an accurate, correct ~

6) a blood; body; cell; pollen ~

7) the ~ stands at...

8) by smb.'s ~ (by my ~)


9) on a certain ~ (on all ~s)

charge, accusation

10) on a certain ~ (he was guilty on all ~s)



1)( d ; intr. ) ('to be taken into ac~) to ~ against (your previous convictions will ~ against you)

2) ( d ; intr. , tr. ) ('to be considered; to consider') to ~ as (the draw ~s as a victory; we ~ed the draw as a victory)

3) ( d ; intr. ) ('to be valued') (his opinion ~s for very little)

4) ( d ; intr. ) ('to rely') to ~ for; on, upon (she ~ed on us for help; she ~ed on us to help her)

5) ( D ; intr. ) ('to name numbers') to ~ from; to (to ~ from one to ten)

6) ( D ; intr. ) ('to be taken into ac~') to ~ towards (do associate members ~ towards a quorum?)

7) ( N ; refl. ; used with an adjective) ('to consider') we must ~ ourselves lucky (to have escaped)

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