Meaning of NEED in English



1) to create a ~

2) to feel a ~

3) to fill, meet, obviate a ~

4) to satisfy a ~

5) to minister to smb.'s ~s

6) an acute, crying, desperate, dire, pressing, urgent ~

7) a basic, fundamental; biological; emotional, psychological; personal; physical; physiological; spiritual; unfulfilled, unmet; universal ~

8) bodily; emergency; material ~s

9) a ~ for (there is no ~ for violence)

10) a ~ to + inf. (there was a pressing ~ to act immediately; there was no ~ for you to go)

11) in ~ (to live in dire ~; badly in ~)

12) in ~ of (in crying ~ of food)

USAGE NOTE: The sentence she ~n't have gone implies that she did go (though there was no ~ for her to go). The sentence she didn't ~ to go does not indicate if she went or not.



1) to ~ badly, desperately, sorely

2) ( E ) we all ~ to work

3) ( F ; in neg. and occ. in interrogative sentences) she ~ not work; or: she doesn't ~ to work; ~ she go? or: does she ~ to go?

4) ( G ) the house ~s painting

The Bbi combinatory dictionary of English, a guide to word combinations.      Комбинаторный словарь английского языка Bbi. Руководство по словосочетаниям.