Русско-английский перевод КСТАТИ

нареч. 1. (уместно) to the point;

очень ~ very much to the point;

это очень ~! that is just what was wanted!;

it`ll come very handy!;

это случилось очень ~ it came in the very nick of time;

2. (заодно) while one is about it;

когда пойдете гулять, ~ зайдите к нему while you`re taking your walk, you might as well drop in and see him;

3. в знач. вводн. сл. (между прочим) by the by, by the way;


~, где он сейчас? by the way, where is he?

нареч. 1) (уместно) to the point (or purpose), apropos, appositely

2) (своевременно) opportune(ly), in the nick of time besides, too, as well; 3) (вводное слово) by the way, incidentally 4) (заодно) besides, too, as well • быть кстати — come in handy кстати и некстати — in (season) and out of season, whether appropriately or not

Русско-Английский словарь общей тематики.      Russian-English dictionary of general subjects.