Русско-английский перевод ВЫЗЫВАТЬ

см. тж. благодаря которому происходит ; влечь за собой ; возбуждать интерес ; заставлять ; не ~ изменений ; создавать

• The X-rays can also bring about ( or cause , or elicit ) chemical changes in the environment of the chromosomes.

• Bimolecular processes may be responsible for ( or cause , or trigger ) reactions at such low temperatures.

• Use of scraper units has brought about ( or led to , or resulted in , or produced ) a change in the stripping procedures.

• Exposure will cause the tubes to swell.

• The unbalance voltage causes a galvanometer to deflect.

• The use of a driving belt could give rise to vibrations.

• The homogeneous para- to orthohydrogen conversion is induced by paramagnetic molecules.

• Certain fungi are responsible for histoplasmosis, a lung infection.

• It is important to know the conditions that bring on a spin ( авиа ).

• Resonance destabilization will effect a greater decrease in ...

• Fertilization of the eggs elicited a pronounced increase of poly(A).

• The detonator is a device used to initiate the explosion of a high explosive.

• It is not certain what process triggered the initial collapse of the solar nebula.

• Only a little heating above the glass temperature is needed to provoke crystallization.

• Viscosity sets up ( or gives rise to ) tangential stress at the body surface.

Циммерман М., Веденеева К.. Русско-Английский научно-технический словарь переводчика.      Russian-English scientific dictionary for translators.